Postdocs and Visiting Scholars
Visiting Scholars and Post-Doctoral Researchers further the mission of the University of Georgia and help expand our research throughout the world. Currently, AAE has two visiting scholars and one post-doctoral researcher. Please read more about Alina Zaharia, a Fulbright Scholar from Romania here with a group of Romanian Fulbright Scholars for the Fall semester. She is being mentored by Vanessa Shonkwiler and learning about UGA and CAES's Extension program. Garrett Stanford is a post-doctoral researcher working under the direction of Drs. Susana Ferreira and Craig Landry in a project funded by the Institute for Resiliant Infrastructure Systems (IRIS).
Meet Dr. Alina Zaharia
• What brought you to UGA?
Reaching out to local communities and making research meaningful and relevant was on my mind since my Ph.D. studies. Also, a few years back, Romanian-American Foundation identified a need of developing an extension system in Romania in agriculture. So, through the Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award 2023-2024 Program in the field of Agricultural Extension Services, I became part of the first cohort of Romanian scholars who came to UGA to understand and see the best practices of its US extension system. Thus, I am looking forward to find new ways of community engagement through extension, while understanding the extension impact on farm management and performance.
• What are your particular research interests?
My research interests are in the fields of agri-food business economics and policies, developing sustainable food systems, environmental policies and economics, energy policies, consumer economics in the fields of agriculture, food industry, and sustainability-related issues, sustainable development in both rural and urban areas.
• What are some of the achievements you’re most proud of?
I believe each activity performed for others is a win-win, from building up a student NGO to working with students and farmers or entrepreneurs in food industry for improving their knowledge on market approaches and economics.
• What did you do before coming to UGA?
I was and I am still an assistant professor within the College of Agrifood and Environmental Economics in the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania, as well as an associate senior researcher within the Centre For Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economic Research "Costin C. Kirițescu", Romania.
• What will you be doing here at UGA and what do you like doing best?
Exploring the UGA extension system and UGA resources, as well as doing cultural immersion.
• Who had the greatest impact on your education and career path?
My parents.

Meet Dr. Garrett Stanford
• What brought you to UGA?
In May of 2022, Dr. Susana Ferreira and Dr. Craig Landry offered me the postdoctoral researcher position with the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems. With the completion of my Ph.D. from the University of Oregon approaching in June, it seemed like a great next step for me in my career. So, my partner, Claire, my pet turtle, Tom, and I squeezed into our absolutely packed SUV and drove across the country at the end of July.
• What are your particular research interests?
My research focuses on environmental economics and the economics of criminal justice. More broadly, I research the provision of public goods for a diverse public and the consequences that can arise. Much of my work uses an equity framework to explore the distributional impact of public goods and policies.
• What are some of the achievements you’re most proud of?
In no particular order: completing my Ph.D.; running the Portland marathon; climbing Mt. Fuji; fixing my garbage disposal; 24 hours of mild Twitter notoriety; being a good friend; staying hip with the kids; being a BULLDAWG.
• What did you do before coming to UGA?
I was living in Eugene “Track town USA”, Oregon, working on my Ph.D. in economics. This involved reading, writing, a lot of teaching, and some occasional crying. It also involved playing basketball, camping, floating the McKenzie River, skiing, and a great deal of sleeping.
• What will you be doing here at UGA, and what do you like doing best?
I am working alongside Drs. Ferreira and Landry on several projects for the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems. The projects vary in size and scope, but all have a common thread of Nature-based Solutions. My favorite part of my experience so far has been my coworkers. They are kind, interesting, talented, and, to my delight, have a great sense of humor.
• Who had the greatest impact on your education and career path?
I don’t think I can causally identify a particular person. But I do recall a memory of waiting for my train at the Kaihimmakuhari Station in Tokyo while studying abroad as an undergraduate. I can’t say why, but I had an epiphany that I wanted to change my major from English to Economics. When I returned from Japan, I made the switch; the rest is history.