John Salazar

Professor Agricultural & Applied Economics
Portrait of John Salazar
Contact Information 706-542-0769

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John Salazar, PhD, CHE is the Coordinator of the University of Georgia Hospitality and Food Industry Management Major and an Associate Professor. Prior to this appointment he was a Professor in the Department of Hospitality Management at the University of South Carolina Beaufort and Director of the University’s Lowcountry and Resort Islands Tourism Institute. He has also been a hospitality management faculty member and tourism research director for the University of Tennessee and held faculty positions at Southern Illinois University and University of South Alabama. He earned his PhD from Auburn University, MS from University of South Alabama, and BS from Northeastern University.

Dr. Salazar’s research focuses on hospitality human resource management, destination management and marketing, and festival and event management. He has conducted research for companies such as Marriott Hotels and Resorts, Sea Pines Resort, Point Clear Holdings Hotels and Resorts, Radisson Hotels, Country Club of Detroit, and Philadelphia Country Club. He has also conducted research for local, state, and regional tourism agencies throughout the US as well as the US Department of Transportation.

He is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed publications, proceedings and presentations, has been awarded more than 180 grants and contracts totaling over $1.2 million in funding. Dr. Salazar has also served as past Chapter President of the Southeast Travel and Tourism Research Association, and Director of Research for the Southeast, Central and South America Federation of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education for 2012-13. Prior to joining academe, he held leadership positions for various premier hotel and resort companies throughout the US.