Donate Now!

While we continue to fundraise for our annual awards ceremony , we have an even more exciting event on the horizon: Dawg Day of Giving! We are within one week (March 27th), and the University of Georgia has set a goal of 11,000 donations. With your help, we can help provide for bulldogs for years to come. Clicking the "Donate Now!" button above will be counted towards the donation goal. Plus, if you donate before June, you will receive the pin at the bottom of the page highlighting the Department!

Donating specifically to AAEC (Agricultural Economics Fund) has a direct impact on our students and their success!

Dawg Day of Giving2025
Spring 2025
AAEC Pin Resized


HurricaneHeleneGreenhouseDamageCropped CAES News
Why the Farm Bill affects everyone — not just farmers
You’ve probably heard of the U.S. Farm Bill, but do you know what it is? While it may seem like it only affects farmers, this complex legislation impacts everyone — whether you buy groceries, care about conservation or rely on nutrition programs. Yet, despite its broad reach, it remains one of the most misunderstood laws in the country. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agricultural economist Amanda Smith, a faculty member in UGA’s Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, breaks down some of the most common questions about this complex but crucial bill.
Conner Hall CAES News
CAES drives nearly $900M of economic impact in 2024
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences generated a statewide economic impact of $899.3 million in 2024, marking a fourth consecutive record-breaking year for contributions to the state’s economy. Divided among the arms of the college's tripartite mission of teaching ($265.6 million), research ($258.8 million) and outreach ($374.9 million), the total impact of CAES in 2024 was third highest among schools, colleges and units at UGA, factoring into the university’s total economic impact of $8.4 billion in the same year. The 2024 total represents a 7% increase over 2023, when CAES had an economic impact of $838.4 million.
Juliet Chu with blueberry CAES News
UGA boosts Georgia’s economy by $8.4 billion
The University of Georgia contributed $8.4 billion to the state’s economy in fiscal year 2024, an increase of $300 million from the previous year and a record for the state’s flagship university. The increased economic impact was powered by growth in the number of degrees conferred at the graduate and undergraduate levels, an increase in externally funded research and the positive effects of UGA’s public service and outreach efforts across the state.
UGA Blueberry Series CAES News
In the Peach State, UGA blueberry research is driving a fast-growing market worldwide
From bringing more than 50 varieties to market to monitoring the growing economic impact of the blueberry, this series dives into the multidisciplinary University of Georgia research behind the top-10 Georgia commodity. “The UGA blueberry breeding program has been a key to the success of launching a significant commercial blueberry industry in Georgia in the 1980s and helping sustain it for four decades,” said Scott NeSmith, professor emeritus in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.