Environmental Economics and Management
The Environmental Economics and Management major prepares students for public and private careers in natural and environmental resource analysis and management. EEM majors are taught to understand and appreciate the monetary and tangible aspects of both resource and environmental issues, including social, ecological, physical, and legal considerations.
EEM majors can serve effectively as members of interdisciplinary teams involved in resource and environmental management, planning, and analysis. The EEM major is designed for individuals who desire “making a positive difference”" in the world when it comes to wise, efficient, and productive management of natural and environmental resources.
Program Overview
Practical Experience
As EEM majors, students will receive a strong background in economic theory, resource economics, environmental economics, and quantitative decision-making techniques. Students will learn how to apply theory and techniques such as policy analysis to "real world" resource and environmental problems. As part of the core curriculum, students take courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics, computational tools, physical science, ecology, environmental health, management, and law. Some of our core classes include Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Economics, Environmental Law, and Environmental Management and Sustainable Business Practices. These, coupled with major electives, provide students with the background necessary to work effectively with the variety of professionals from broad fields involved in resource and environmental management. Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, students may choose to specialize and conduct research in a particular area of natural and environmental resource management, including water resource management, sustainable development, and environmental law. As part of the degree program, students may participate in practical internships with public or private resource and environmental management organizations and firms.
Career Opportunities
The linkages between economic activity and natural and environmental resources will be a major local, national, and global issue in the coming decades as our use of limited resources continues. Natural resource and environmental problems create a demand for individuals who can offer alternative solutions and insights to these problems. Government job opportunities, such as those within the EPA, include planning and policy analysis relating to the management of natural and environmental resources. Private company opportunities include similar positions with utility companies, banks, consulting firms, and resource management companies. Some of our recent graduate’s job titles include Sustainability Coordinator, Environmental Underwriter, and Environmental Consultant. The courses within this major provide students with the necessary background to work effectively with professionals in many fields, establishing interdisciplinary teams. An EEM major also provides an excellent foundation for work on an advanced degree in natural resource and environmental management. Many students continue in programs such as a master’s in environmental economics, law school, research, or other programs.
See required Environmental Economics and Management courses and available electives in the UGA Bulletin. You will determine the right courses to match your interests with assistance from your advisor.
To prepare for an Environmental Economics and Management degree:
• Take any available environmental science courses
• Take available economics courses
• Take a pre-calculus and/or calculus course
• Consider hands-on experience in areas related to natural resource management (parks and recreation, landscaping, erosion control, etc.)
• Volunteer for a non-profit natural resource or environmental organization
• Join a school or community natural resource or environmental club
Undergraduate Coordinator

Academic Advising for Current and Potential EEM Students
If your last name begins with the letters A-H, Whitney Jones will be your advisor. If your last name begins with the letters I-Z, Cate Crowe will be your advisor.