
The department currently has 43 students gaining academic credit for their summer internship experiences. These students are interning across the nation and one is even in Italy.   For-credit internship experiences provide students with progressively challenging work activities and significant learning opportunities related to their major.  The organization should provide solid orientation, training, supervision, and feedback throughout the experience. 

Week three of my internship was great! We were tasked with creating our first business process model diagrams within the company and creating user stories to show what different people in our client’s company need out of our services. I also sat in on a “Manufacturing Demo” where Coastal Cloud employees described how they used Salesforce to help a manufacturing company keep track of sales and be able to run analytics on their sales data.

Helen Belete
Agricultural and Applied Economics Intern
Coastal Cloud, Palm Coast, FL

This past week, I began a new project which involved looking over project shading reports for some of our customers and comparing them to more up-to-date satellite photos of the homes. Project shading reports are basically 3D models of the homes and all the trees or other objects that might project shadows on the roof of the home. This helps us better estimate how productive the solar panels will be. By comparing these reports to current satellite photos of the homes, I was able to make note of any homes that had any significant changes to the shading of the panels and report it to my boss for further evaluation.

Cal Hendricks
Environmental Economics and Management Intern
IGS Energy, Dublin, OH



So far, this internship has been so much fun, and I love that I get to do or learn something new every day. I have never worked in food and beverage, so this has been a brand-new experience for me. However, it is really cool to apply things I’ve learned in our hospitality classes to this internship.

Laney Wetter
Hospitality and Food Industry Management Intern
Watersound Shark’s Tooth Golf Club, Panama City Beach, FL


The first two days of my internship were spent with a member of our team who deals with sales and marketing services that are offered to our properties. This meeting gave me the insight into their CRM software that they use showing me the ins and outs of the managing, updating, and maintaining hotel owner relationships with Autentico.

Ryan Beetham
Hospitality and Food Industry Management Intern
Autentico Hotels, Florence, Italy
