Solar Energy
Solar Energy in Rural Georgia: Opportunities and Considerations for Landowners

A webinar series was conducted to inform landowners about opportunities for solar in rural Georgia with an emphasis on considerations when making this decision. This web page contains links to the session recordings and the presentations that occurred that day. The presentations also list some important resources for landowners.
General Session
General Session Video: State of Solar in Georgia, an Experience of a Landowner, and an Overview of Opportunity Costs
Slide Presentations (PDF):
- The State of Solar in Georgia by Laura Rogers, Director of Strategic Partnerships, The Ray
- Introduction to the Opportunity Costs of Solar by Amanda R. Smith, Extension Economist, Dept. of Agricultural & Applied Economics, The University of Georgia
Track A Video: Planning for Solar on Your Land
Slide Presentations (PDF):
- Planning for Solar at Any Scale by Richard Simmons, Senior Research Engineer and Fellow, Georgia Tech Strategic Energy Institute
- Does Solar Fit My Agricultural Operation? by John Worley, Professor Emeritus, New Materials Institute, The University of Georgia
Track B Video: Legal Considerations and Potential Competitive Funding Opportunities
Slide Presentations (PDF):
- Real Property & Leasing Issues During the Life Cycle of Solar Projects by Buford Pollett, Genave King Rogers Assistant Professor of Energy Law and Commerce, The University of Tulsa
- USDA Rural Development Programs for Landowners Considering Solar by Joe Anderson, USDA Rural Development